25 Years of Representing You
As we approach the end of Ratanak’s 25th anniversary year I find myself looking back on much activity and travel, but not just in this year. I marvel at how many of you, in person or by mail, have expressed your consistent support and blessing on us and the work we do through Ratanak.
For some of you, your support reaches back to the days of post-genocide, despair and civil war. The whole country was in shambles and I think we were all overwhelmed by what we encountered. Despite the magnitude of suffering, we dared to dream that, with God’s help, we could bring some relief to the suffering – even if only to a few. Your prayers kept us going when, so often, we could not see a way forward.
They have been answered in ways we could never have imagined. Thousands have been helped, physically and psychologically through many programs. Thousands have also had the opportunity to hear, often for the first time, that they are of great value before God. It is is truly “revolutionary” stuff and has been communicated by caring staff living out their own faith before those they serve. So often it is in a context of compassionate service and friendship that Cambodians come to realize that they are precious and even worth dying for!
Through the last 25 years we’ve worked hard to represent you, our supporters, in the hard places on the ground in Cambodia, tackling difficult issues such as Human Trafficking and working directly with the victims we know are dear to your hearts. Recently we’ve been astounded by the ways God is opening doors to effect change that we didn’t think were possible – change that could affect the way international governments handle the trafficking of Cambodians within their own borders.
Besides the important meetings in China that Ratanak was a part of, God has recently been using my experience in the RCMP to open up some exciting opportunities. Even though they are not all related to Cambodia they are centered on the heart of what Ratanak cares most about – protecting the vulnerable from exploitation.
- In November, G7 Law Enforcement officials met in Berlin where my preliminary research and recommendations regarding international child protection were presented.
- Just a few weeks ago I was served a subpoena to appear as an expert witness in an international pedophile trial involving Cambodian victims.
The opportunities (and workload) can at times be a little overwhelming! However, looking at this past month – Phnom Penh, Vancouver, Berlin, Beijing – Ratanak is where it should be – fully engaged in serving exploited Cambodians.
As we look to the future I would ask that your consistent prayers and encouragement continue so we too can continue to take on the challenges of a country re-emerging from darkness into the community of nations. May we continue to see Gods hand at work bringing hope, dignity and a future of promise to this wonderful nation. Thank you for all your encouragement – it means so much.